Продукти за жив камера (43)

Мащерка (100г) - Разпределителни кутии

Мащерка (100г) - Разпределителни кутии

Es gibt kaum ein Gericht, das mit der Verwendung von Thymian nicht gewinnt, aber besonders geeignet ist er für Gerichte aus dem Mittelmeerraum. Gewürz-Thymian riecht stark würzig und schmeckt herb-aromatisch, mit einer milden, pfeffrigen Schärfe. Thymian kann mitgekocht werden und entfaltet so sein volles Aroma. Geschmacklich verträgt sich der Gewürz-Thymian gut mit Lorbeer, Muskat, Rosmarin und Salbei. Er verstärkt auch deren Eigengeschmack, ohne zu dominieren. Thymian passt hervorragend zu Grillfleisch, Fisch und Ragouts. Du kannst ihn auch besten bei mediterranen Gemüsegerichten mit Tomaten, Auberginen, Kartoffeln, Zucchini und Paprika einsetzen. Und außerdem für die mediterrane Küche, Suppen und Eintöpfe. Inhalt:100,00 g Artikel-Nr:206102
Тарро от 250 г мед от кестен

Тарро от 250 г мед от кестен

Disfruta de la combinación perfecta entre la miel de castaño y las ceras naturales de Ángel Romero en nuestro tarro de 250g. Esta miel, proveniente de las flores de los castaños, ofrece un sabor intenso, amaderado y ligeramente amargo, ideal para aquellos que buscan un toque natural en sus alimentos. Además, la inclusión de ceras de Ángel Romero, conocidas por su pureza y calidad, hace de este producto una opción excelente tanto para consumo como para el cuidado de la piel, ya que las ceras tienen propiedades humectantes y protectoras. La miel de castaño es rica en antioxidantes, vitaminas y minerales, lo que la convierte en un alimento saludable. Perfecta para endulzar infusiones, yogures, postres o para disfrutar sola, es un verdadero deleite para los sentidos. Características: Cantidad: 250g de miel pura de castaño. Sabor: Intenso, amaderado, con un toque ligeramente amargo. Origen: Miel 100% natural, cosechada de las flores del castaño. Propiedades: Rica en antioxidantes, minerales, vitaminas y con propiedades antiinflamatorias. Ceras Ángel Romero: Ceras de alta calidad, ideales para el cuidado de la piel y la fabricación de cosméticos naturales. Usos: Ideal para infusiones, yogures, repostería o como un tratamiento natural para la piel.


Plant based scented candle in red colour with rich fragrance of cake with honey ! Total weight:430 gr Net weight:180 gr Height:8 cm Diameter:7.2 cm
Гел цвят Шампанско Yerocolors 70g

Гел цвят Шампанско Yerocolors 70g

Gel color Yerocolors Nett weight gram:70 Colour/ flavour:Champagne
Моментална Каша От Жълти Грахчета С Порк - Кашата е солена

Моментална Каша От Жълти Грахчета С Порк - Кашата е солена

When you can't spend a single minute, there is no time to stand by the stove. In this case, TM "TERRA" comes to the rescue. A diverse range of instant cereals will help diversify breakfasts, have a hearty lunch and a delicious dinner. Yellow pea porridge with pork deserves special attention.
Детска Вязанка Коледен Шапка 2бр - ШАПКИ И КАПИ

Детска Вязанка Коледен Шапка 2бр - ШАПКИ И КАПИ

Mettez en valeur ce beau bonnet en tricot sur vos marchés de Noël pour attirer les enfants ! Les parents sont ravis de leur faire plaisir en leur achetant ce petit présent. Vous boostez vos ventes en un instant ! Référence:NEDZ1125 EAN13:3700299941370
Руска Кукла

Руска Кукла

oneybush*, rooibos*, rooibos vert*, écorce d’orange*, écorce de citron*, pétales de bleuet*, huile essentielle de bergamote, fleurs de souci*, arôme naturel de bergamote. *Produits issus de l’agriculture biologique Référence:RECCOMM104
Хидра +

Хидра +

Crema Hydratanta SPF 15
Сушени цвекла - HoReCa

Сушени цвекла - HoReCa

The history of beets totals more than 2 thousand years. This root crop is the most common among vegetable crops. In dried form, it can be stored for a long time. Its use is similar to the use of fresh root crops. Like any dried product, getting into the liquid, it quickly restores its properties. Use for Soups, sauces, meat, marinades, poultry dishes, rice and vegetable dishes. Taste sweet Nutrition value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 9,0 Fats (g / 100g)… 0,5 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 54 Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 260
Nau Vodka

Nau Vodka

Nau Vodka
Mamma Mia! - Лимончело

Mamma Mia! - Лимончело

Le spiritueux : Mamma Mia! est un délicieux Limoncello comme vous nous n'en avez jamais goûté ! Ici, rien n'est laissé au hasard : les colorants et arômes artificiels sont bannis, le sucre dosé dans des proportions bien moindres que la moyenne et la seule variété de citron utilisée est Il Feminello Del Gargano IGP. En provenance directe des Pouilles (Italie), cette dernière est récoltée à la main par la même famille depuis 1850 afin de produire un Limoncello offrant une grande pureté et beaucoup de fraîcheur. Un magnifique parfum émane de cette bouteille qui accompagnera à merveille vos desserts ou qui se laissera boire toute seule comme digestif. Un délice qui vous transportera sur le champ en Italie! La maison : Au même titre que la marque Adriatico, Mamma Mia! est le pari réussi de Jean-Robert Bellanger, entrepreneur français étant venu concurrencer les grandes marques italiennes sur leur propre terrain. Type:Limoncello - Liqueurs Contenance:70cl Degré alcoolique:24%
Пяна от яйчен ликьор

Пяна от яйчен ликьор

And finally, a modern take on an old recipe; familiar to most grandparents. With this espuma of eggnog, you show the older guard that not everything used to be better. 300ml eggnog 200ml cream Cream charger Whipped cream siphon Beat the eggnog and cream together until smooth. Add this mixture to the whipped cream syringe and put it to rest in the refrigerator. Before serving the eggnog, it is important to shake the whipped cream syringe well to keep the liquids well mixed. Drain two whipped cream cartridges into the whipped cream syringe so it can be served with the right pressure and right airiness. Paired with a good cup of coffee and a regional cookie, this is the perfect afternoon snack. If you want to make the process of some of these recipes a little easier, you can use our unique cream charger in combination with our taste beads. You can simply insert the taste beads into the cream charger and add exotic flavors to any dish.
Ябълков балсамов оцет - BALZAMIKO

Ябълков балсамов оцет - BALZAMIKO

Toute la puissance aromatique d'un balsamique par la longue concentration du fruit durant la réduction au feu. LES POINTS CLÉS Caractéristiques Vinaigre issu de la caramélisation d'un moût de pommes fraîches assemblé à notre vinaigre Ozpina nature. Véritable élixir, chaque goutte compte. Idéal dans les salades et pour déglacer les viandes sautées comme le porc ou le canard. Conditionnement Élégante bouteille verre siphon de 200 ml, bouchon mécanique à bascule.
Сладък Паприка на Прах - Prymat Сладък Паприка на Прах 20 г

Сладък Паприка на Прах - Prymat Сладък Паприка на Прах 20 г

Papryka słodka mielona Prymat może być używana w kuchni wszechstronnie – do potraw mięsnych, sosów, twarogów, wędlin, sałatek, potraw z ryb, ryżu i drobiu. Posiada wyrazisty, a jednocześnie przyjemnie słodki smak. Nadaje potrawom wyśmienity aromat, a także piękną i intensywną barwę.


Un déodorant vaporisateur qui déposera un délicat nuage parfumé sur votre peau
Демакиращо средство Pure Will

Демакиращо средство Pure Will

Its formula, which cares for your skin like a baby, helps you to remove make-up off your face in a single step. Nourishes, moisturizes and protects the skin. Available in 100 ml, 1 Liter, 5 Liter, 30 Liter
Марокански Мъжки Edp Парфюм 100 мл

Марокански Мъжки Edp Парфюм 100 мл

Agave Light сироп - натурален агавен сироп

Agave Light сироп - натурален агавен сироп

Natural organaic syrup made from Agave juice. Net weight:250 g Energy value per 100 g:320 kcal
Артишок - Испански артишок

Артишок - Испански артишок

Corazones, Cuartos, Laminas, Fondos, Marinadas, Roma "Style"
Перла Бяла Хамелеон 2g - Kandurin

Перла Бяла Хамелеон 2g - Kandurin

Mother Of Pearl White Chameleon 2g - Kandurin
Мед от Германия

Мед от Германия

Honey from Germany in certified quality as raw material or completely prepared for your production in standard containers, from kegs to IBCs to bulk goods. From popular and popular varieties such as rapeseed, linden or forest honey to rarities such as silver fir, cherry blossom or sea lavender honey. The honeys we offer are as diverse as our beekeepers and their bee locations. What makes our beekeepers & their honey so special? • Fair - we pay our beekeepers fair prices, depending on the harvest and market situation as well as the respective variety. • Regional - sourcing & marketing according to the regionality principle. We want to offer goods from the region for the region. The trade in regional honeys already accounts for around 2/3 of our goods. • Transparent - in order to improve general market transparency, affiliated apiaries receive transparent & digital-based market reports via our platform, which our algorithm automatically generates once a week.
Хармония от елда - Хармония от елда от пчеларството Аренс

Хармония от елда - Хармония от елда от пчеларството Аренс

Buchweizenhonig Farbe: dunkelbraun; Konsistenz: cremig, streichfähig; Geschmack: kräft/leicht malzig 500 g — Bestell-Nr. 103 7,50 €
Кимион Цял (250г) - Подправки в Кутии

Кимион Цял (250г) - Подправки в Кутии

Kümmel ist ein Klassiker in der mitteleuropäischen Küche. Hierzulande sowie in der österreichischen, osteuropäischen und skandinavischen Küche wird er gern als ganze Samen verwendet. Du kannst ihn hervorragend verwenden in Kohl- und Kartoffelgerichten, Gulasch oder in Suppen und Eintöpfen. Und natürlich nicht zu vergessen - Kümmel ist DAS Gewürz für Sauerkraut. Aber auch in Brot und natürlich in Spirituosen findest du oft das kräftig, bitter-süße Aroma von Kümmel wieder. Mit unserer praktischen Vorratsdose kommst lange aus und kannst einfach dosieren. Inhalt:250,00 g Artikel-Nr:802090
Смлян бял пипер (250g) - Разпределителни кутии

Смлян бял пипер (250g) - Разпределителни кутии

Der weiße Pfeffer besitzt eine intensive, runde Schärfe. Um sein Aroma voll entfalten zu können, solltest du erst die fertig zubereiteten Speisen damit würzen. Ideal ist dieser Pfeffer zu hellem Fleisch, er harmoniert aber auch mit Gemüse oder Fisch wunderbar. Inhalt:250,00 g Artikel-Nr:802120
Сушени гранули от моркови - HoReCa

Сушени гранули от моркови - HoReCa

This root crop is good in any form. Afghanistan is considered his homeland. It was from there that the carrot gradually spread all over the world. The ancient Greeks endowed it with heavenly power, calling it a fruit that bears love. At least in cooking, there is perhaps no product that would not reciprocate carrots. When dried, granular carrots are ideally stored without taking up much space and without requiring special conditions. And getting into the water, quickly restores its properties. Use for Soups, sauces, marinades, meat dishes, birds and game dishes. Taste Sweetish Пищевая ценность Углеводы (г/100г) 49 Жиры (г/100г) 0,5 Белки (г/100г) 9,5 Энергетическая ценность (ккал/100г) 240
Китайско сушено зеле - HoReCa

Китайско сушено зеле - HoReCa

Peking cabbage was popular in Europe only in the Asian quarters until the middle of the 20th century. But in the past few decades, she has been at the peak of culinary popularity, including in Russia. Its nutritional value and excellent taste are preserved in the dried product. It is from dried Beijing cabbage that a delicious Korean soup of siriag-cook is prepared, as well as national dishes Namul, Ttige, and Bale. Companions of dried Chinese cabbage, helping her to reach her full taste potential, are garlic and onions. Use for Soups, sauces, marinades, dishes meat, poultry and game dishes. Taste Piquant, sweetish Nutrition value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 26 Fats (g / 100g)… 3,5 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 34 Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 270
Цейлонска канела

Цейлонска канела

Im 16. Jahrhundert entdeckten portugiesische Eroberer Ceylon-Zimt in Sri Lanka und brachten dieses Gewürz im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert nach Europa. Ceylon-Zimt wird aus wildwachsenden Bäumen gewonnen, die Wuchshöhen bis zu 10 m erreichen und in den Wäldern von Ceylon und Südindien wild wachsen. Dieses Gewürz wird aus der feinsten Innenrinde hergestellt, die von drei Jahre alten Trieben geschnitten wurde. Echter Ceylon-Zimt ist ein stark duftendes und geschmacklich hervorragendes Gewürz. Jeder, der schon einmal ihn probiert hat, weiß gut Bescheid, welche unterschiedlichen Geschmacksqualitäten dieses Gewürz haben soll. Kohlenhydrate (g / 100 g):4,0 Fett (g / 100 g):3,0 Eiweiß (g / 100 g):28 Brennwert (kcal):160 Mindestens:18 Monate haltbar Nettogewicht (g):30
Черен пипер - Мелници

Черен пипер - Мелници

Pepper is the king of spices. The first mention of pepper is found in Indian literature written in Sanskrit more than 3,000 years ago. Ingredients Black pepper Use for Use for the preparation of salads, appetizers, soups, second lunch dishes. Nutrition value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 38,3 Fats (g / 100g)… 3,3 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 11,0 Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 255
Семена от копър - HoReCa

Семена от копър - HoReCa

A wreath of stalks and branches of dill in the Roman Empire awarded distinguished gladiators. Use for the preparation of salads, appetizers, soups, second lunch dishes. Use for Warm and cold sauces, soups, meat dishes, poultry dishes, fish dishes, egg dishes, as well as for pickling. Taste Bitter grass Nutrition value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 16 Fats (g / 100g)… 15 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 12 Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 250